Saturday, July 13, 2013

Peace in Nature

After work on Friday, some of my co-workers and I decided to go hiking at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Before the hike started I found the following quote in my quote notebook. "You say, "Toil fatigues me." But what is this me? Is it muscle or Mind? Which is tired and so speaks? Without mind, could the muscles be tired? Do the muscles talk, or do you talk for them? Matter is non-intelligent. Mortal mind does the false talking, and that which affirms weariness, made that weariness. You do not say a wheel is fatigued; and yet the body is as material as the wheel. If it were not for what the human mind says of the body, the body, like the inanimate wheel, would never be weary;The consciousness of Truth rests us more than hours of repose in unconsciousness."-Science and Health 217:29-8 This has always been a favorite quote of mine. It was suggested to me by a friend when I seemed very tired during a busy work day, and it has always been something that I have referenced whenever the suggestion comes to me that I should be tired.

 Shortly after we started I realized just how out of shape I really. When I wrote down this entry we were taking a break under a neat rock formation It's so peaceful out here and the slight breeze makes the heat tolerable I wish I had some good pictures to share, but since my camera broke a few days ago I've been relying on my phone and I can't figure out how to get the pictures from the phone to the computer. Sitting at the rocks reminds me of the solos that I did as a high school student at camp Out counselors would take us to different locations around camp and we would have a few hours to reflect and write letters to ourselves that would be sent after we left. I wonder if I still have those letters somewhere. When I get home I will have to root around for them.

I've been working out everyday this week, and I'm definitely feeling it On Tuesday I swam for an hour with a friend before joining the rest of the team for a game of floor hockey. There were only three people on my team but we held our own. I even managed to score a goal or two which was really fun. My latest workout challenge is to work out in some way everyday of the week, even if it's as simple as going for a walk.

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