Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ready to Change my Habits

I had nearly forgotten about this blog until I came across some blog entries on Facebook. Posting every few months seems to be the trend for me right now. I promise to be better at posting in the future. It's been about two months si
nce I graduated from FEMA Corps and came back home. I've been working part time at my on again off again job, as well as putting together promotional bags for my dad's work. I've made over 200 bags full of candy and promotion cards! I've also been applying to jobs in Arizona, where I hope to be living by the end of the summer. There is so much to think about though, and I'm somewhat overwhelmed.

The main purpose of this blog was to talk about my quest to get healthy, and my posts haven't exactly been reflecting that. However, perhaps when I say get healthy, it also includes my mental health, as well as the physical aspect of being healthy. It's time for me to take control of my life, and that includes getting rid of unecessary clutter which means seriously going through my things and figuring out what I need and what I don't! I feel like I'm constantly cleaning my room or coming up with piles of things that I no longer want. I'm really hoping to be able to organize a garage sale for this spring, and donating whatever doesn't sell to charity.

 It's been extremely difficult to get motivated to get in shape. Recently though I began to realize that I am ready to change my life for the better, and I'm recognizing that some of my habits aren't the most healthy. Spending all day sitting in front of my computer isn't really going to accomplish my goals. Over New Years, I was getting a lot better at portion control and recognizing when I'm full. It was really nice to be able to spend new years with my fiance, who would give me a gentle nudge or a reminder when I started to eat more than what I needed. We were active just about every day, whether we were playing ultimate Frisbee or going for walks around the neighborhood. I've been walking just about every day at home, and have recently begun adding ten minute ab and cardio routines into my day. It's been pretty chilly here, and when walking wasn't going to happen the other day because of the super low temperatures, I went to Youtube and looked up some fitness routines. Fitness Blender workouts are now my new best enemy. Typically I will do a ten minute cardio workout and a ten minute ab workout. It isn't easy, and I can't do every single exercise yet, but I'm trying! They (various online sites), say that it takes about six weeks to notice a change, and so each week I'm going to take a picture and see what happens. In six weeks I might even post pictures from week one to week six, but no laughing!